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April Is Autism Awareness Month

During the month of April, we are celebrating Autism Awareness Month. The goal is to raise our awareness when it comes to people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, and in addition to supporting and expanding our understanding of the challenges these people face, it’s also a great opportunity to recognize the strengths that they bring to any workplace.

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can vary significantly in its severity; people with ASD may have difficulty with communication and social interaction, along with specific patterns of thought and behavior, for example. They may have many questions about what this will mean for their employment options and come to the (erroneous) conclusion that ASD is an employment barrier. Employers are actually starting to recognize that, quite often, people with ASD enjoy a variety of strengths that are most welcome in the workplace. These strengths can include:

  • Excellent concentration
  • Strong memory
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to recognize patterns and deviations
  • High dependability

Any workplace is going to benefit from a diverse environment, so a smart employer knows that providing every individual with tools, training, and resources that are specific to them is going to enhance the performance and flexibility of the entire team. Providing individualized support and services to employees will help them navigate their work life and be successful there. 

For a person with ASD, learning administrative tasks and other soft skills will help them adapt to an office setting, and their stellar work ethic and follow-through will make them a valuable team member overall. Providing support through continued job coaching, skills training, and assistance with navigating issues and obstacles in the workplace will also be beneficial, not only to those with ASD but for every single team member, and this will uphold and strengthen the unity and diversity of any workplace. 

Employers who recognize the strengths that neuro-diversity brings to the workplace and fosters those strengths will enjoy a happy and productive team composed of members who feel a sense of pride and accomplishment concerning what they bring to the table. 

We’re pleased to raise awareness during Autism Awareness Month. Here at Exodus HR Group, our clients know our voices and our laughs. We know theirs, too. Maintaining that personal touch helps us to give you that unique level of individual attention you won’t find anywhere else. Tour our website and get to know us. See what we can do for you – and then let’s talk!

It's time to save time.

While we partner with businesses in many ways, all of our personalized HR services revolve around their most valuable assets—their employees. These tailored, outsourced HR solutions help them to attract and retain top talent, reduce employee risks, eliminate administrative tasks, and provide other customized human resource solutions.